NEA Microcredentials: On-Demand Professional Learning & Credit


Are you ready for NEA Microcredentials?

As we navigate our current world, educators are seeking balance: they want to continue their professional development but need flexibility. NEA Microcredentials are not a new tool, but they do offer both rigor and flexibility for our new reality.

If you are curious to learn more, click here to better understand how NEA Microcredentials work. There’s even a PLC Facilitator Guide that provides helpful tips for working on microcredentials in small groups.  KNEA members have the option of earning 1 credit hour for each microcredential for $70 through Baker University, and any Olathe educators can earn salary movement points through the district’s action plan process.

While some microcredentials require you have a physical classroom, check out our list of microcredentials you can complete without a classroom.  NEA has even provided accommodations to existing microcredentials for distance learning.

If you have any questions about NEA Microcredentials, feel free to reach out to Angie Powers, NEA Director (