Preparations for New Ed Luncheon

Preparations for New Ed Luncheon

ARs and allies work to prepare for a great afternoon!

Busy ARs!

Busy ARs!

Association reps prep for New Ed Luncheon

2023 ONEA Association Reps & Executive Board

2023 ONEA Association Reps & Executive Board

Stacy, Member Organizer Chair, Talks to New Hires

Stacy, Member Organizer Chair, Talks to New Hires

President Rogers Speaking to New Hires

President Rogers Speaking to New Hires

2023 ONEA Luncheon

2023 ONEA Luncheon

Olathe NEA’s First CoffeeEDU Hosted by the Social & Racial Justice Cadre

Interested in equity, diversity, and/or inclusion? Join us 4/14 from 9-10 am at Scooter’s Coffee (19641 W 101st St, Lenexa, KS 66220)! We will provide the coffee, and you can engage in professional dialogue with other educators! CoffeeEDU Flyer

KNEA Guidance on Walkout

Check out KNEA’s guidance on the Walkout.  NEA’s guidance is also helpful.

Olathe NEA Spirit Wear: Offer Extended to 2/22!

Tees, sweatshirts, and hoodies available now! Order at by 2/22!

Available NOW: 2018 Olathe NEA Scholarship Application!

Olathe NEA awards ONE $500 scholarship to a senior at each Olathe high school who is interested in pursuing a career in education and/or whose parent(s) are Olathe NEA member(s). Scholarship application and materials are due by 3/1/18. Contact Kathleen

What’s on the members-only portal of

You may have noticed that the Olathe NEA website has an option to create an account and log into a members-only portal. Some members have been curious about what’s available to them in the portal. Once you have created an

Open Enrollment Ends 11/21!

Have you finished enrolling in benefits yet? The due date is just right around the corner: 11/21!  Check out the updated insurance rates and the Olathe Benefits Guide to complete this process.

Olathe NEA Members Attend 2017 Equity Leaders Summit

Members of Olathe NEA Executive Board, Selena Eckstrom and Angie Powers, represented Kansas in Chicago at last month’s NEA Equity Leaders Summit. They were among four members in Kansas to be selected to attend, including the Kansas NEA President and

Hot off the Presses!

The 2017-2018 Negotiated Agreement can now be accessed under the Bargaining menu on Check out these key pages in the digital file: 2017-2018 Important Dates (page 134) New Ed Appraisal Due Dates (page 139) Career Appraisal Due Dates (page

Retirement on the Horizon?

If you are a KNEA member who is planning to retire in the next 5-7 years, this KNEA Pre-Retirement Seminar is for you! Pre-registration due by 10/18. Act quickly, as these seminars fill up fast! KNEA Pre-Retirement Seminar Information

Local Backpack Full of Cash Screenings

Are you concerned about privatization efforts? There are two local screenings of Backpack Full of Cash in the next couple of weeks. Wide Ruled and the Metro Organization for Racial and Economic Equity are hosting a community screening and discussion on Thursday,