Preparations for New Ed Luncheon

Preparations for New Ed Luncheon

ARs and allies work to prepare for a great afternoon!

Busy ARs!

Busy ARs!

Association reps prep for New Ed Luncheon

2023 ONEA Association Reps & Executive Board

2023 ONEA Association Reps & Executive Board

Stacy, Member Organizer Chair, Talks to New Hires

Stacy, Member Organizer Chair, Talks to New Hires

President Rogers Speaking to New Hires

President Rogers Speaking to New Hires

2023 ONEA Luncheon

2023 ONEA Luncheon

Building KTOY and Master Teacher Nominations Due

17-18 Tentative Agreement Information Sessions

The Olathe NEA Bargaining Team has worked hard to get the best agreement possible for 2017-18! To learn about the details of the 17-18 Tentative Agreement, attend one of the informational sessions below and/or peruse the updated info under the

Six Olathe NEA Members Attend NEARA17

This summer, six elected Olathe NEA members; Ruth Henderson (BB), Lisa Hirsch (ONW), Tiffany Huitt (WG), Ben Melick (RR), Kathy Meyer (Olathe NEA President), and Angie Powers (ONW); represented Kansas at the NEA Representative Assembly. Each morning, the Olathe NEA

Congrats to our Olathe NEA Scholarship Recipients!

Olathe NEA awards one senior from each Olathe high school a $500 scholarship each year. Students must be a child of an Olathe NEA member and/or interested in the field of education. This year’s recipients are an amazing group!

2017 Scholarship

Dear Olathe Students: Please take some time to fill out the application for the $500 Olathe NEA Scholarship. Select “Read More” for the  2017 Scholarship Application (Applications are closed for the 2016- 2017 school year.)

Board Recognition of Teachers

The Board recognized two Olathe NEA members in January: Erik Erazo, 2018 District Master Teacher Finalist and Angie Powers, 2018 District Kansas Teacher of the Year Finalist for Secondary. Congratulations!